Friday, January 26, 2018

Fwd: HSTA Spring 2018

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yamane, Ahlinn <>
Date: Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 3:03 PM
Subject: HSTA Spring 2018
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "Robertson, Yvette" <>

Congratulations on the approval of your courses! 


To be honest, there were a lot of moments we were worried but after our meeting last week with OCISS, we gave them a hard deadline of January 24 to have our courses approved and THANKFULLY everyone was able to meet it.  HOORAY. 


Approval was our first hurdle, please make sure you review what has been submitted into PDE3 as your course details and make all the necessary changes to your course portfolio requirements.  All courses are on PDE3 and the HSTA PD website and we will be doing everything we can to promote them to our members. 


If you have any additional questions, please let us know. 


Have a great weekend.


AhLinn and Yvette   

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Resubmitted Course Reviewed and Approved

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PDcreditapproval Group <>
Date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: PD183076 The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (R) Online | 290137 | HSTA Spring 2018 - The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (Online)
To: Terry Holck <>
Cc: Teri Ann Lin <>, Jon Taguchi <>, Jon_Taguchi/OCISS/HIDOE <Jon_Taguchi/OCISS/>, "Robertson, Yvette" <>

Terry and Terri,

Your resubmitted course PD183076 The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (R) Online | 290137 | HSTA Spring 2018 - The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (Online) has been reviewed and approved.  

Your course will be released on PDE3.

Changes to the Syllabus were made based on the previous email.  Regarding the captions, I will look for an acceptable sample to send to you. Other people have commented on that requirement but since it is currently in the PDE3 Manual we need to ask for it. I know this requirement has been in the manual for many years and I really don't know where it originated from.
Some instructors choose to address the questions and include additional information in the caption.  I'll look for a couple of different acceptable samples and share them with you. I hope to compile different samples as resources for course creators/instructors.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 10:39 AM, Terry Holck <> wrote:
Hi Kristin,

I don't have a problem with including all 3 questions for the captions. I would just like more clarification on the captions. The questions sound so similar, that participants always complain about their purpose. Would you be able to provide clearer examples of responses to those 3 questions?

I am fine with including "standards-based" to the lesson plan requirement.


On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 9:43 AM, PDcreditapproval Group <> wrote:
Terri Ann and Terry,

We are in the process of reviewing your course write-up for 

PD183076 The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (R) Online
 Changes to the Syllabus:

I will be updating the captions requirement to reflect all three guiding questions in the PDE3 Manual. 

I'd like to suggest that we add the words "standards-based" to your lesson plan requirement in the LRP.  It is helpful to be as specific as possible with the LRP requirements so that there is no question about what the expectations are for the participants as well as reviewers. 

Let me know. 

Thank you, 

Kristin Hirata
Educational Specialist - Professional Learning
Hawaii Department of Education
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support
475 22nd Avenue 

This email is the property of Hawaii Department of Education.  

Kristin Hirata
Educational Specialist - Professional Learning
Hawaii Department of Education
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support
475 22nd Avenue 

This email is the property of Hawaii Department of Education.  

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Portfolios Review Course and Instructor Feedback

On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 9:12 PM, PDcreditapproval Group <> wrote:
Aloha Teri,

The submitted portfolios for PD180234 | The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 | 287264 | HSTA Fall 2017 -- The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (Online) | Sep 30, 2017 - Dec 21, 2017, have been reviewed based on your current LRP requirements and your approved course write-up.

Please see feedback below.

Feedback to the instructor for future use:
  • It is unclear what standards students are being assessed on? Although KD's portfolio listed standards, the assessment and the analysis was not based on the standards listed.
  • Please ensure all links are live. The majority of the student work links were not live in KDs portfolio.
  • Final Course Reflection: "Please specifically describe how this course has impacted your teaching and student learning." Although, the participant mentioned students, the reflection doe not address the impact on student learning. For this, a description of how student performance (learning) changed because of the new content and new instructional practices that the participant applied.
Specific feedback:
  • Kelly Duell: Approved. For lesson #1 and lesson #2, it appears that this prompt is not fully addressed in the student analysis. I'm not going to ask that she revise this but in the future, you might consider asking participants to address it if it's part of your expectation.
    • Please explain the following and be sure to answer all parts of the questions:

      Analyze the student learning that took place as a result of the strategies (academic and tech integration) that were used. Discuss your analysis for each student sample that you shared for this lesson. What impact did using the strategies from this course have on you your students learning??
      • Here's an example: "This student gave up on figuring out one of the jumbled words and although could create an appropriate password, were unable to analyze whether a given password was strong or not."
  • Rachel Armstrong - Approved. Her portfolio was very strong and reflective. Please ask Rachel if I can use her portfolio as a sample.  It would have been stronger evidence of student impact if she collected some student work for the lessons that teacher's implemented.  

Please let me know if she will allow us to use her portfolio as a sample.

Credits will be issued for all participants who have completed the course.  T

Thank you,

Kristin Hirata
Educational Specialist - Professional Learning
Hawaii Department of Education
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support
475 22nd Avenue 

This email is the property of Hawaii Department of Education.  

21st century level 2 portfolio ~ sample request

Aloha Rachel, 
Your portfolios are strong and reflective and the review team would like to use your portfolio as a sample. Please let me know if you will allow us to use your portfolio as a sample. Thank you. 

Teri Ann Lin
21st Century Classroom & Global Education Lead Trainer  

Check out 21st Century & Global Education Professional Development  

Friday, January 12, 2018

21st Century Classroom Level 2 Course Completion

Aloha Participants,

Just wanted to let you know that your portfolios have passed the evaluation process! Congratulations! You should see your PD credits posted to the PDE3 website. Thank you so much for taking the course, I hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoyed facilitating the process. I appreciate your hard work and what you do for your students.  It was a pleasure working with you and I look forward to future endeavors.


Teri Ann Lin
21st Century Classroom & Global Education Lead Trainer  

Check out 21st Century & Global Education Professional Development  

Monday, January 8, 2018

Fwd: The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 course

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Terry Holck <>
Date: Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 11:22 AM
Subject: The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 course
To: Brooke_Taira/OCISS/, Kristin_Hirata/OCISS/
Cc: Teri Ann Lin <>

Hi Brooke and Kristin,

Here's the link to the folder that has my revised course write-up for The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 course: 21stCC Level 2

Please let me know if I need to make any further revisions.

~Terry Holck

Fwd: Fw: Joe LoVerde

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <Sheilynn_Murata/WHEELERI/>
Date: Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 11:31 AM
Subject: Fw: PD CLASSES

Happy New Year!

For those of you who are interested in taking PD (Professional Development) classes to help you move up on the pay scale, here are two classes that Joe LoVerde is offering starting in February.  Joe hasn't decided yet but mentioned in his email below that this may be the last two courses that he offers here in Hawaii due to changes being made within the OCISS regarding PD classes.  

If interested, register through the PDE3 site and make sure you print out and have Brenda sign off of the form.  

----- Forwarded by Sheilynn Murata/WHEELERI/HIDOE on 01/05/2018 11:22 AM -----

From: "JoeLoVerde" <>
Date: 01/05/2018 06:16 AM

      Aloha Sheilynn,
        We want to let you know that the responsibility for professional development in the DOE is now with the Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support. There are some changes that the OCISS is making regarding the PD classes being offered. The one that impacts us the most, is that starting March 1, 2018 they are putting a cap on the number of teachers who can enroll in a class. That number is 30.
        While we believe, that we can provide quality professional development courses with large number teachers, that is not the belief of  the OCISS. Their goal is to provide effective classes to all teachers in the state and feel that 30 participants or less is required for maximum benefit to each teacher. We respect their belief, even if we don't agree with it.
        This change WILL NOT impact the two spring classes we have starting in February. There is NO cap on the number of teaches who can take either of those classes, so if you are interested in earning credits before the change takes effect, you may want to enroll in one or both of those classes. Information about those two classes is below.
        Also, if you have credit for a class that you didn't complete, you will HAVE to use it this spring. At this time, we are determining whether or not we can continue to provide future classes, so we don't want any of you with available credit to lose that credit. We apologize for this change in policy, but it is necessary given the direction the OCISS is taking.
        There is a saying, "The best way to predict the future, is to create it."  So in 2018, set goals, take action and make it one of your best years ever. Our goal has always been to present professional development classes that provide each participant with the knowledge and skills to be a more effective educator. That will never change and as we move forward in 2018, we are looking at all options to continue that work and fulfill our goal.
        We are wishing each of you an incredible 2018!
        Joe & Dave

      How to Deal With the Challenging Student in Your Classroom
      Course #:          IS 182973
      Credit:              DOE: 3 "PD" credits
      Brandman University : 3 graduate level credits EDC U 9978    
      Cost:                DOE credit $195      Brandman $345
      February 10, 2018     8:00-4:00pm
      March 10, 2018         8:00-4:00pm
      April 14, 2018           8:00-4:00pm
      May 12, 2018            8:00-4:00pm
      June 14, 2018           8:00-11:30am
      Location: Jarrett Middle School cafeteria

      Empowering Your Students for Success in Your Classroom and In Life
      Course #:          IS 182974
      Credit:              DOE: 3 "PD" credits
      Brandman University : 3 graduate level credits EDDU 9459
      Cost:                DOE credit $195      Brandman $345  
      February 3, 2018      8:00-4:00pm
      March 3, 2018          8:00-4:00pm
      April 7, 2018            8:00-4:00pm
      May 5, 2018             8:00-4:00pm
      June 14, 2018          1:00-4:00pm
      Location: Jarrett Middle School cafeteria


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Course not self paced any more

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Terry Holck <>
Date: Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: HSTA Spring 2018 –The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (Online)
To: Aja_Suehiro/KALAMA/
Cc: Teri_Ann_Lin/WHEELERI/, Terry_Holck/LEEDO/

It was designed to be self paced. However, PDE3 has new requirements, so the course is currently being revised and reviewed for approval. There may be a few virtual meetings, as a result. 


On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 9:05 AM <Aja_Suehiro/KALAMA/> wrote:
I wanted to know if this course is self-paced?

Thank you,
Aja Suehiro

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