Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Welcome to The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 Online PD

Aloha and welcome to the Online Professional Development Course "21st Century Classroom Level 2". Class officially starts on Sept 30, 2017, but feel free to get a head start! I attached the presentation link on "How to Copy the Portfolio Template" for this course. There are 11 steps in the presentation to be completed. The steps will guide you in creating and sharing your portfolio the instructors. After your portfolio is created, you will have access to all the resources for this course. Please let me know if you have any questions. :)
Click the link to get started with:

Save the date: Portfolios are due November 23, 2017

Enjoy the weekend, 

Teri Ann Lin
21st Century Classroom & Global Education Lead Trainer  
m: (202) 810-3025  

Check out 21st Century & Global Education Professional Development  

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Reminder Wait-Lists for 21st Century Classroom Level 2 Online PD on PDE3

You are currently on the waitlist for 21st Century Classroom Level 2 Online PD for Fall 2017 semester. If you are still interested in taking the course this semester, please go to to pay for the class. Once HSTA staff confirms payment, they will move your name over from the waitlist to the registered list.

With Aloha,
