Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week 6 & 7: The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 Online PD


An important reminder, please plan accordingly as we near the portfolio due date, Thursday, November 23. If you anticipate needing additional time to submit any outstanding work after Thursday, November 23, please let me know. Keep in mind meeting the portfolio deadline allows you to receive PD credits when the course closes. To ensure you receive the PD credits by this semester, I strongly encourage you to complete the portfolio on time.

Here are the reminders for the next two weeks:

  1. If you have not done so already, implement both lessons.

  2. Collect three student samples from the Transformative Lesson plan and place into your portfolio. Please remove all Personal Identifiable Information from student evidence. Review the Student Sample FAQ:

  3. Complete the "Transformative Lesson Reflection" page of your portfolio

  4. Collect three student samples from the Digital Citizenship lesson plan and place into your portfolio. Please remove all Personal Identifiable Information from student evidence. Review the Student Sample FAQ:

  5. Complete the "Digital Citizenship Lesson Reflection " page of your portfolio

Again, if you have any questions about the assignments, feedback, or course requirements, feel free to reach me directly at (202) 810-3025

Teri Ann Lin
21st Century Classroom & Global Education Lead Trainer  

Check out 21st Century & Global Education Professional Development  

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