Thursday, December 21, 2017

Fwd: HSTA Course Updates

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From: <Brooke_Taira/OCISS/>
Date: Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 9:55 AM
Subject: HSTA Course Updates
To:, Terry_Holck/LEEDO/,,,,,, Jacqueline_Yanagi/WAIAHOLE/,

Greetings all-

I hope you are preparing for a lovely Christmas break!

At this point, you have received revisions for your courses. Thanks very much for working on those, and for understanding that it's all in an effort to get the courses approved as smoothly and quickly as possible.

A couple issues that are consistently showing up across courses for you to consider as you revise:

1. For a 3-credit course, you must show impact on student learning in the classroom. It will be difficult to get a 3-credit course approved without implementation of what is learned in the course shown through actual lessons, student work samples, and analysis of student work. The only way to get around this will be to offer a 2-credit course or offer the course for no credit. This has been communicated via the EO who gives final approval, so just a heads up.

2. You must include course competencies. In PDE3, these are in a drop-down menu that I realize you can no longer view. For this component, please send me how your course connects to INTASC or the 2013/2014 Danielson Framework. Be selective! Better to have a few well-connected competencies than a large list.

3. Online courses can no longer be completely self-guided and self-paced, so you'll need to include dates and times for synchronous online sessions (webinars, Google Hangouts, etc.) This is new, so another heads up in advance!

4. Be sure to connect your course content to the State Strategic Plan if you are working with teachers across the state. If you are working in a specific school, please connect to the school's strategic plan. You will want to proactively make connections now in addition to participants connecting to their school strategic plans.

**These are the consistent pieces that are needing revisions and will very likely keep the courses from being approved once I submit them. As a reference, feel free to use the manual found at Page 4 has a checklist that could be helpful.

Please note: I am going on maternity leave after Friday so any revisions not submitted by tomorrow afternoon may be delayed into January.

Thanks for your continued work and patience as I know this is a bit of a transition. I am here to help field any questions and support you, so please contact me today or tomorrow if you have any concerns!

My best,

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