Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Fwd: The 21st CC check in

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From: <10010320@notes.k12.hi.us>
Date: Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 7:38 PM
Subject: The 21st CC check in
To: teri.ann.lin@gmail.com

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to check in and remind you of a few things about our course:

1. Please sign up for a Google Hangout THIS WEEK. We already had our first one tonight. The doc to sign up is here: Hangout. There are 7 people who still need to sign up.

2. I've put you all into groups for the collaborative activity. Please be sure to contact your group members this week so you can start planning with one another. Your group is depending on you, so please respond in a timely manner. Here are the group assignments.

3. You are also assigned to 1 partner for your Transformative Lesson Review. Here are the partner assignments. You have time to work on this, but you may want to contact your partner, just to introduce yourself and set a tentative date for when you might want to meet to share your lessons and provide each other with feedback. Again, please respond to your partner in a timely manner.

4. Here's the suggested pacing slides.

5. Every week, I'll send you an email with that week's suggested activities. If you would like me to send it to a different email other than this one, please email me and let me know by this Friday. If I do not hear from you, then I'll assume you want me to send it to this email address.

6. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Happy learning!



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